Instagram Telegram

Complete Guide To Deleting Telegram And Instagram Accounts

In this article, we intend to focus on deleting Telegram and Instagram accounts. Since each of these social networks has its own specific rules and terms, we will separately address the methods and tips regarding deleting Instagram and Telegram accounts.

Methods For Deleting A Telegram Account

Many Telegram users may want to step away from social networks for various reasons, such as work or academic commitments, and later return to this popular messaging platform at more suitable times. Many users are looking for methods to delete their Telegram accounts. Generally, deleting a Telegram account can be done manually or by using the Telegram account deletion link. Sometimes, your Telegram account may also be automatically deleted. In this section, we intend to cover all the details regarding deleting a Telegram account and preventing its automatic deletion.

An Overview Of General Telegram Account Deletion Methods

Without a doubt, Telegram is considered one of the popular messaging platforms worldwide. Due to its high speed and security, it has gained the attention of many enthusiasts of the virtual space globally. The ability to install Telegram on devices such as tablets, computers, laptops, and smartphones has led many users to prefer using this social messaging platform. However, one crucial point to consider is the method of completely deleting a Telegram user account.

It should be noted that by deleting your user account or using the “delete account” option, all your data, including chats, contacts, groups, and more, will be permanently erased. Furthermore, if you intend to re-enter Telegram with the same phone number after deleting your account, your previous data cannot be retrieved, and you will need to join as a new user. If you still wish to delete your Telegram account, you can use one of the following methods.

Automatic Deletion Of Telegram Account

The social messaging platform Telegram has a rule that if you do not log into your account for an extended period, your Telegram account will be automatically deleted. The default setting for the automatic deletion of a Telegram account is set to six months. Therefore, if you do not use your Telegram account for up to 6 months and do not go online during that time, your Telegram account will be automatically deleted.

One thing to note in this regard is that you can change the automatic deletion time through the settings section in the Telegram app. As mentioned earlier, the default time for automatic deletion is set to 6 months, but you can adjust this time to be shorter or longer. The automatic account deletion duration in Telegram settings can vary from one month to one year.

To use the automatic account deletion method in Telegram, you should follow these steps:

1.First, open your Telegram app and click on the three-line icon located in the upper right-hand corner of the app.

2.Among the various options displayed, choose Settings and enter this section.

3.In this section, from the menu displayed, select Privacy and Security

4.Finally, on the new page that opens in front of you, select the Delete my account option. You can choose when the automatic account deletion process in Telegram will occur by using the If away for option. You can choose one from the provided options ranging from one month to one year.

Please note that after selecting your desired time, if you do not go online within that specified time on the Telegram social network, your user account will be automatically deleted. For example, if you choose the one-month option, if one month passes without you being online, your Telegram account will be automatically deleted, and you won’t be able to retrieve personal information such as groups, channels, contacts, chats, and more. If you wish to have an account again with the same phone number that you deleted, you will need to start fresh as a new user.

When To Use Automatic Account Deletion On Telegram?

As you’ve seen, Telegram’s automatic account deletion occurs within a specified time frame. Therefore, if you don’t urgently need to delete your account, you can use this option. If you don’t want your Telegram account to be automatically deleted, you can follow the provided steps and choose the longest possible time frame. This way, if you visit your Telegram account less frequently, it won’t be subject to automatic deletion.

Please note that by deleting your Telegram account, your Telegram channels, along with all the Telegram Real Members in them, become inaccessible. For this reason, be sure to add multiple administrators to your channels.

Deleting A Telegram Account Via Link

If you want to delete your Telegram account instantly, there are methods available, and one of them is deleting a Telegram account via a link. To do this, you need to use an IP-changing application. To delete your Telegram account via a link at any time, follow these steps:

1.First, you need to install an IP-changing application and activate it. Then, using your browser, go to the delete account link for Telegram.

2.In this section, a page will appear, asking you to enter your mobile phone number and the country code of your residence. After that, click on the “Next” button.

3.In this section, there will be a field on the page instructing you to enter the verification code you received in your Telegram app. Open your Telegram app on your phone or desktop and enter the code in the provided field.

4.Now, click on the “Sign In” button.

5.If you have entered the verification code correctly, you will be taken to the account management page of your Telegram account. In this stage, you select the “Delete Account” option. This will direct you to the account deletion link.

6.After clicking on the delete account link, a page will appear where you can optionally provide a reason for deleting your account in the “why are you leaving” field. Note that filling in this field is entirely optional and not required.

7.Finally, click on the “Delete My Account” option. At this stage, a window will pop up asking if you are sure you want to delete your account. If you are certain that you want your account to be deleted, click on the red button with “Yes, delete my account” written on it.

8.After successfully completing the account deletion via the link, you will see the message “Your account was successfully deleted from our system. Come back soon.” Displaying this message indicates that your Telegram account has been deleted correctly. If you wish to return to Telegram, you can open the Telegram app, and you will be prompted to sign up for a new account.

*Important Note: Sometimes, in this method of deleting a Telegram account, you may encounter a message that says, “Warning! Please only delete your account if you no longer want to use Telegram. If you delete your account now, it may not be possible to sign up again for several days.” This message is usually shown due to the time-consuming process of deleting the Telegram account, and you may need to go through all the steps again.

Delete Telegram Account Directly

To be able to directly delete your Telegram account, you need to use the Telegram website. Since Telegram is blocked in Iran, direct access to the website is not possible. The easiest and quickest method for deleting a Telegram account is to use IP-changing applications.

-In order to delete your Telegram account, you need to have access to your account because the account deletion confirmation code will be sent to your account. So, if you don’t have access to this account, you won’t be able to initiate the account deletion process.

-When you completely delete your account from Telegram, all the information associated with your phone number is removed from Telegram’s database. Therefore, if you create a new Telegram account with the same phone number, you can chat with people who have blocked you or whom you have blocked.

-After deleting your Telegram account, your messages with others are not deleted, but your username changes to Deleted account.

-After deleting your Telegram account, others won’t be able to chat with you anymore.

-Deleting a Telegram account has limitations on the number of times it can be done. If you delete your Telegram account on the same phone number more than three times within a short period, for example, within a few days, you won’t be allowed to re-register your account on Telegram for up to three weeks.

-Since all your account information is deleted after performing a Telegram account deletion, if you have groups or channels on Telegram, all the information related to them, along with their members, will be deleted. However, if you wish to return to Telegram and create a new user account, you can gather and increase members for your Telegram groups or channels using various methods. One of the best methods to increase free members in your new Telegram group or channel is to invite friends and advertise in friendly groups.

Methods To Delete An Instagram Account

Instagram is considered another popular social network in the world. If for any reason you’ve decided to delete your user account on Instagram, you can do this either temporarily or permanently. Below, we will examine each of the methods to delete an Instagram account.

Before describing each of the methods, it’s important to mention that in the temporary account deletion method, you can temporarily deactivate your Instagram account for a short period and remove it from the access of your followers. One of the advantages of this Instagram account deletion method is that when you log back into the app, your Instagram account will be recovered without any changes. This is in contrast to opting for permanent account deletion, where the possibility of recovering your current user account will no longer exist.

In the process of permanent account deletion on Instagram, Instagram typically considers a 1-month time frame for users who choose the permanent account deletion process. During this time frame, your user account will be hidden and, upon logging in again, will become active, restoring your account. However, if no action is taken within this mentioned time frame to recover the deleted Instagram account, it will be permanently deleted, and recovery will not be possible.

Permanent Deletion Method For Instagram Account

As mentioned earlier, in this method, deleting your Instagram user account will be permanent, and there will be no possibility of recovery. All your account information, including photos, videos, direct messages, followers, and more, will be erased. To delete an Instagram account permanently, you must go through the official website of the application. Therefore, deleting an Instagram account through the Instagram app is not possible.

To permanently delete your Instagram account, follow these steps:

-First, you need to visit the official Instagram Website.
To proceed with the account deletion process, you will be required to answer some questions.

-Initially, you will encounter a field with the sentence Why are you deleting your account? Choose the reason for deleting your Instagram account from the available options.

-In the next step, to continue the Instagram account deletion process, enter your Instagram account password in a field labeled To continue, please re-enter your password.

-After filling out the fields we discussed, in this next step, click on the delete my account option. This will initiate the permanent deletion process of your Instagram account. However, before reaching this stage, Instagram will ask you for final confirmation by inquiring if you are sure about deleting your Instagram account. You will need to choose the OK option to proceed with this final confirmation.

*One Important Note: After completing the permanent Instagram account deletion process, there will be a date mentioned below the delete account button. Until that date, if you log in to your Instagram account again, it will halt the account deletion process. During this time frame, your account information will be hidden, and your name for individuals you have chatted with via Direct Messaging will change to Instagram user.

If you do not log in to your Instagram account by the specified date, your account will be completely deleted, and if necessary, you will need to create a new Instagram account.

Temporary Instagram Account Deletion Method

If you intend to take a break from Instagram for a specific period and want to use your account again after some time, you should follow the temporary account deletion method. In this case, your user account will not be permanently deleted but will be temporarily deactivated or inactive for a specified period. This status will be maintained until you log in to your Instagram account again. After your first successful login to your account, it will be reactivated.

A Few Important Notes:

-If you temporarily delete your Instagram account, you can restore your page to its original state whenever you wish, preserving all your information, including photos, videos, chats, comments, and likes.

-To deactivate or reactivate your Instagram account, you must do so through the official Instagram website. This process cannot be performed through the Instagram app.

To deactivate your Instagram account or perform a temporary account deletion, you should follow the steps below:

  1. First, you need to visit the official Instagram website and log in by entering your username and password for your account. (Make sure to use a web browser and the official Instagram website for this task.) Alternatively, you can click on your profile icon in your Instagram account, then click on the “Edit Profile” button. To temporarily disable your Instagram account, click on the “Temporarily disable my account” option to be directed to the deactivation page.
  2. In this step, you will encounter two main fields:

-The first field, “Why are you disabling your account”: In this field, you should specify the reason for temporarily deactivating your Instagram account.

-The second field, “To continue, please re-enter your password”: In this field, to confirm the temporary account deactivation, you need to re-enter your Instagram account password.

3. In the next step, click on the Temporarily Disable Account button to initiate the process of temporarily deactivating your Instagram account.

In this step, a window will appear in front of you. To confirm the deactivation process of your Instagram account, you need to click on the YES button.

Important Points For Deactivating Or Temporarily Deleting An Instagram Account:

-To deactivate your Instagram account, you need to log in to your account. Therefore, you must have your Instagram username and password.

-All your information remains preserved in your account in this temporary account deletion method, and it becomes visible again after logging back into your account.

-Whether you delete your Instagram account temporarily or permanently, the execution of the account deletion or deactivation process may take some time, during which your account information will still be accessible.

-There is a limitation for deactivating or temporarily deleting an account, and you can only deactivate your account once a week.

Deleting An Instagram Account Via Mobile:

As mentioned earlier, to delete an Instagram account, you need to go through the official Instagram website. However, it doesn’t mean there is no way to do it through the mobile app. To delete your Instagram account via a mobile device, you should use the Instagram app. Follow the steps below for this:

-First, log in to your Instagram account and go to the settings section.

-To initiate the Instagram account deletion process, click on the help option and proceed to the next page. On this page, three options will be displayed, and you should select the help center option.

-On the page that appears, click on the managing your account option.

-In this step, there are several options, and among them, click on the phrase delete your account and go to the account deletion page.

-In this stage, click on the how do I delete my Instagram account option. Then, click on the delete your account page option.

-Following these steps will take you to the official Instagram website, where you need to specify the reason for deleting your account. Choose one of the available options.

-Finally, you will be asked to re-enter your Instagram account password to confirm the deletion of your account.

-Now, click on the Delete Instagram Account option, and your account will be deleted accordingly.

Note: This method of deleting an Instagram account is only possible in the latest versions of the Instagram app. Therefore, if your Instagram app is not up to date and you are not using the latest version, you won’t be able to delete your Instagram account using this method. In that case, you must use the official Instagram website, as described earlier, to permanently delete your account.

Difference Between Deleting An Account And Deactivating An Account On Instagram:

In both the temporary and permanent methods of deleting an Instagram account, your account is deleted. The difference between these two methods is that in the permanent account deletion method, if you don’t log in to your account within the specified time frame set by Instagram, your account will be permanently deleted, and there will be no possibility of recovery.

As for the method of temporarily deactivating or deleting an Instagram account, whenever you log into your account, your page will be removed from the inactive state, and all your information will be available to you as before.

So, if you intend to delete your account for a short period and plan to log back in after some time, it is better to use the account deactivation process instead of account deletion. In this way, you can temporarily deactivate your account. In this case, whenever you wish, you can reactivate your old Instagram account and have access to all your previous information, including photos, videos, chats, followers, and more.

If you have completely deleted your Instagram account, all your information, including Instagram followers, will be removed. Therefore, if you decide to return to this social network after permanent account deletion and want to resume your activities, you need to work on attracting followers again. One of the best methods to gain free followers on your new Instagram page is to request friends and acquaintances to join your new account.

Of course, there are many methods to attract followers on Instagram, and Buying Instagram Followers is one of them. So, if you intend to permanently delete your old Instagram account and have a new one, you should also consider attracting followers and have a plan for it.

Possible Questions About Deleting Instagram and Telegram Accounts:

Can you delete an Instagram account without knowing the password?
In response to this question, we should say that it is not possible to delete or deactivate an Instagram account without knowing the password. If you have forgotten your Instagram password for any reason, you should use the “forgot password” option when logging in to access the account deletion page. In this case, by providing your phone number or email, you can recover your password and proceed to delete your Instagram account.

To Delete An Instagram Account, What Do We Need?

You can delete your Instagram account through the Instagram app on your mobile device or the official Instagram website on a computer, laptop, tablet, and so on. However, if you intend to permanently delete your account, it’s best to do it through the official Instagram website. Make sure that if you use the app, it is up to date with the latest version.

For this, you only need your Instagram username (ID) and password, and by following the steps mentioned in the article, you can either completely delete your Instagram account or deactivate it for a specific period.

How long Can One Stay Inactive Or Temporarily Delete Their Instagram Account Using This Application?

There is no time limit for deactivating or temporarily deleting an Instagram account, and after completing the deactivation process of your user account, your Instagram page’s information will be temporarily hidden. However, all account information will be preserved. Anytime you log back into your account, it will be deactivated and visible to everyone, and you will have access to all the information in your account, including photos, videos, followers, and more.

Can Instagram Account Data Be Recovered After Deletion?

After completing the Instagram account deletion process, your user account is permanently deleted. However, as mentioned in the article, Instagram sets a specific time frame during which, if you log in, your account will be reactivated, and its information can be recovered.

But if you do not log into your account within the specified time frame, your Instagram account will be permanently deleted, and data recovery is no longer possible. If you wish to rejoin Instagram with the number you used to delete your account, you will need to go through the new registration steps and create a new user account.

Does Deleting The Instagram App From Your Phone Mean Deleting Your Instagram Account?

No, deleting or uninstalling the Instagram app from your mobile device does not mean deleting your Instagram account. Instead, you will simply log out of your account, and if you reinstall the app, you can log back in by entering your username and password, and all your information will still be accessible.

If There Are Multiple Instagram Accounts Associated With One Phone Number, Will Deleting One Of Them Also Delete The Others?

No! Since the permanent or temporary deletion process of an Instagram account requires the username and password associated with that account, deleting one user account does not affect the other accounts.

Can Telegram Account Data Be Recovered After Deletion?

After deleting a Telegram account, none of your account data will be recoverable. Therefore, if you have created a group or channel with your phone number on Telegram, deleting your account will essentially result in losing all of them. If you wish to rejoin Telegram with the phone number you used to delete your account, you will need to go through the registration process and sign up as a new user on Telegram.

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